How to Get Class Name in Python

In Python, obtaining the class name of an object is a fundamental operation that can be accomplished through various methods. This article outlines different techniques to retrieve the class name in Python, providing practical insights and illustrative examples. By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be equipped to integrate class name retrieval into your Python projects or effectively address Python-related challenges.

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Using the __class__.__name__ Approach to Obtain a Class Name in Python

To retrieve the class name in Python, the __class__.__name__ attribute comes to your aid. By employing this approach, you can effortlessly display the name of a class by creating an object of that class. The subsequent example illustrates this process:

class Website:
   def __init__(self, name): = name
   def display_site(self):
       return "{1}.Entechin.{0}".format(, self.__class__.__name__)

website = Website('com')
print("Class argument:",
print("URL:", website.display_site())

Utilizing __class__.__name__ and __class__ to Retrieve a Class Name

There are two distinct methods to acquire the class name: using __class__.__name__ and __class__. Below, both methods are demonstrated individually to facilitate the retrieval of class names in Python.

In the following example, the process is broken down as follows:

  1. Initialize the class with the name “url”.
  2. The class constructor __init__ creates a variable named “name” within the class instance.
  3. Create an object of the class and store it in a new variable, passing a value to the class instance as a parameter.
  4. The first print command uses the __class__ method to display the data type (which is a class) and the class name.
  5. The second print function accesses the class name and displays “url” as the output.
class URL:
   def __init__(self, name): = name

url_instance = URL("")
<class '__main__.url'>

In the following example, even if a class definition is empty, you can use the pass statement to avoid an error. The pass keyword is a complete statement that ensures program execution, preventing errors.

Invoke a class with an empty argument and save the result in a new variable named “url”. The str() function combined with __class__ helps retrieve the class name in Python.

class URL:
url = URL()

<class '__main__.URL'>

Using the type() and __name__ Approach to Retrieve Class Name in Python

The type() function is a straightforward way to access and retrieve the class name in Python. The following simple example demonstrates how to obtain the variable’s type using __name__ with the dot (.) operator. As mentioned earlier, __name__ displays the name of the module being worked on.

In the example below, a string is assigned to the variable “url”. By using the type() function in conjunction with __name__, the type of the class name in Python is obtained. In this case, the output will be “str,” as a string is used in the program.

url = ""


In the next program, the code executes as follows:

  1. Create a class named “url.”
  2. Define the class constructor __init__ within the class, passing a variable named “name” as a parameter and using it within the class instance.
  3. Create an object variable for the class.
  4. Invoking the class object with __class__ and the dot (.) operator returns the data type along with the class name as output.
  5. Use the type() function with __name__ to access and display the class name.
class url:
   def __init__(self, name): = name
url = url(1)
print (url.__class__)
print (type(url).__name__)
<class '__main__.url'>

The __qualname__ Attribute and Nested Classes to Access Class Name in Python

The process unfolds as follows:

  1. Define two classes, “www” and “Entechin.”
  2. Create instances of both classes.
  3. Within the __init__ constructor of the “www” class, use the self instance to initialize variables “name” and “a.” A separate __init__ constructor is defined for the “Entechin” class, where the “domain” variable is passed and used with the self instance.
  4. The “a” variable from the “www” class is passed as a parameter to the “Entechin” class object.
  5. Create an object “WWW” of the class “www,” setting values for the instances of the “www” class.
  6. The method __name__ is used to obtain the class name, and __qualname__ retrieves the class name of each class.
class www:
   def __init__(self, name, a): = name
       self.domain = self.Entechin(a)
   class Entechin:
       def __init__(self, domain):
           self.domain = domain
WWW = www("Entechin",'.com')

Final words

This article delved into various techniques for obtaining the class name in Python. While numerous approaches exist, this guide covers a range of targeted methods including __name__, __class__.__name__, type(), and __class__.__qualname__. Each method is accompanied by simple example code and step-by-step explanations, providing a comprehensive resource for anyone seeking to access class names in Python.

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